ChemTox can prvide collection kits continaing the follwoing components:
To receive this kit, to contact the laboratory on 0800 970 8400 or fill in the form opposite.
ChemTox propose a simple, quick and effective technique, for the detection of the following substances:
The rapid detection kit by ELISA allows the detections of less than 1 hour without sample preparation on all substances on the following samples:
You can obtain qualitative or semi-quantitative results (uses microplates to read the results). ChemTox can also confirm your results by a more specific chromatographic technique coupled with single mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry if required.
Delivery : 10 working days
For any other information, please contact ChemTox laboratory on 0033 (0)3 90 400 540 or fill in the 'Ask For Information' form at the top of the page.
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